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Roller door developed specifically for freezer rooms

High insulating capacity and roll speed can save energy. Door System has developed the DS800, DS850 and DS855 especially for use in freezer rooms, including the specially designed door curtain and the special sealing system.

We manufacture all our products at our own factory in East Jutland, complying with all applicable requirements and standards. DS800 is available in sizes up to 4.0 x 3.3 m, however not exceeding a total area of 9.5 m2. If you need a bigger door, choose instead one of the upgraded models, DS850 or DS855. DS850 is available in sizes up to a full 4 x 5 m, not exceeding a total area of 12 m2, while DS855 can be delivered in the size 4 x 5 m, but here with a maximum of 16 m2.

High insulating capacity

DS800, DS850 and DS855 were designed for use in freezer rooms and feature a door curtain specially developed not to let the cold escape. The door curtain on DS800, DS850 and DS855 is no less than 43 mm thick and has special built-in stabilising features to ensure a highly efficient insulating capacity. At the same time, the cloth offers good resistance to wind loads. DS800, DS850 and DS855 are equipped with a special sealing system which ensures that cold and hot air do not meet and form condensation and ice.

Save energy

Your budget will benefit if you install a DS800, DS850 and DS855 insulated door with high insulating capacity and high roll speed. 75,000 kWh: These were the total savings which we calculated for one of our customers, Claus Sørensen A/S, who wanted to replace their roller door to the freezer room with a DS800. Three years later, the Danish Technological Institute’s analyses showed that the actual savings are close to 90,000 kWh.

Important characteristics of DS800-DS850-DS855 rapid roll freezer doors

Blue door curtain on DS800 roller door

43mm door curtain

Specially developed door curtain with a unique sealing system with overlapping insulation to prevent the formation of thermal bridges.

DS800 roller door is opening

High rolling speed

Opening speed: From 0.6 - 2.0 m/sec. Frame legs: 2 mm stainless steel. High strength. Easy maintenance.

Door curtain is pushed out of the rail

Easily put back into place

In case of a collision: The door curtain can quickly and easily be put back into place without the use of tools.

Minimising energy loss when handling goods from freezer rooms

Supply as well as consumption of energy is a topical challenge, and when it comes to industrial doors, there is great potential for energy savings. Take the freezer rooms in food industry as an example.

Product handling and transport of frozen goods to and from the freezer room have always involved loss of energy when the doors between the storage halls open. The difference in temperature of -26oC and +12oC from one hall to the other results in large energy losses if the door is left open for a long time. A high-speed door with rapid opening and closing times can help minimise the energy loss.

Rapid roll doors for freezer rooms and a new door control

Our DS800, DS850 and DS855 high-speed doors have been developed specifically for freezer rooms. The specially developed door curtain has a thickness of 43 mm and insulation overlap – a special sealing system – prevents the occurrence of thermal bridges.

The rapid opening speeds of up to 2.0 m/sec of the freezer room door will help minimise the opening time. It is also crucial that the opening intervals should be adapted to the truck traffic, so that the door opens exactly when the truck is about to pass through and closes the moment the truck is at a safe distance.

An intelligent door control with an integrated frequency converter will see to this and ensure slow acceleration and deceleration of the door. This reduces wear and tear on the door and ensures exceptionally low-noise operation despite the rapid opening and closing speed.

Energy savings and improved flow

An optimal balance must be struck between traffic and energy savings to achieve greater energy savings while improving the flow of product handling.

A radar system in the door control detects the movements of the truck and activates the door's opening and closing mechanism. The activation of the door can be adjusted to the truck traffic in the warehouse.

The truck drivers need neither activate the door manually nor slow down when approaching. The high-speed door and the control system ensure that there is a clear path and that the door is only open for as long as it takes to process the transport safely and efficiently through it.

Energy loss calculations

The door control is equipped with sensors measuring the temperature on both sides of the door. When the door opens and closes, the system logs the continuous changes in temperature.

This way the energy loss in connection with the traffic to and from the freezer room can be calculated. The companies will have a tool that can document not only the energy loss but also the improvements that can be achieved while maintaining efficient and safe operation.

Large doorways – large energy losses

The control system has been tested at the Danish Technological Institute. The door control, as well as the log and the calculation model, takes the size of the door into account – which is not always the case when builders, architects and contractors design and plan storage buildings.

Sometimes the doorways are far too large. This is particularly critical in connection with freezer rooms. The new door control makes it possible to precisely document the advantages of smaller doors as well as more efficient door operation.

To learn more about our new door control, click here.

Problems with ice forming all over the freezer room?

Are you having problems with the rather costly issue of ice forming all over the freezer room?  A sluice with a dehumidifier, either in front of or inside the freezer room, will do the trick. This way you ensure optimal control of the air flow while minimising the loss of energy. You save money on de-icing door and evaporator – and you avoid dangerous situations with slippery floors.

If you have special requirements for your freezer room solution, please contact us and we will find a solution together.

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Rapid roll freezer doors DS800-DS850-DS855 gallery
